Alternative medicine is a term that describes medical treatments that are used instead of traditional (mainstream) therapies. Some people also refer to it as complementary medicine. More than half of adults in the United States say they use some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), which can include hypnosis, meditation, CBD oil, and many other topics.


cbd oil category
Cannabidiol oil, most commonly referred to as CBD oil, is the non-intoxicating hemp or marijuana component that is tauted by many as helping address a variety of medical conditions.
traditional medicine category
Traditional medicine is the skills, knowledge, and practices based on the experiences, beliefs, and theories indigenous to different cultures used in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or improvement of illness. The most widely used traditional medicine systems today include those of India (Ayurveda) and China (TCM, for Traditional Chinese Medicine).
meditation category
Meditation is a practice where a person uses a technique — such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object or thought, or even light and sound technology — to train awareness and attention, and reach a mentally clear and stable and emotionally calm state.
energy healing category
Energy healing is a relaxing yet powerful type of therapy that helps you connect to your inner life force and source of vibrancy. Removing energetic blocks and returning your energy systems to their natural levels allows your body to activate its inherent ability to heal itself. Healing Touch, EFT, and Reiki are a few of the well-known energy healing modalities (techniques, procedures, or methods).
pain management category
The traditional way to deal with pain has been prescription painkillers. But such medication is powerful and for many people brings with it adverse — sometimes very adverse — side effects. That’s why many people are trying — and having success with — alternative methods such as hypnotism, meditation and CBD oil.
hypnosis category
Hypnosis is a trance-like condition where a person has enhanced concentration and focus. When under hypnosis, a person typically feels relaxed and calm, and is much more receptive to suggestions.