Mental health includes our cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and psychological well-being. The state of one’s mental health affects how they feel, think, and act. It also contributes to how a person makes choices, handles stress, and finds success in school, work, and personal relationships. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.


brain power category
Your intelligence, focus, memory, and overall brain power are not permanently set levels — we all can upgrade and train our brain in many different ways.
anxiety & depression category
Every year close to 40 million people in the United States experience an anxiety disorder or depression. Less than one-third of these same people will seek treatment.
sleep category
The problem of too little sleep is as significant as ever, with tens of millions of Americans saying they have trouble sleeping or staying asleep nightly. Untreated insomnia can have a negative impact on quality of life and contribute to several mental health issues such as aggressiveness, anxiety, depression, difficulty paying attention, and fatigue.